Friday, September 29, 2017

Rediscovering the past after a disaster

In the aftermath of disasters such as the recent hurricanes that devastated parts of Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and other Caribbean islands, it might be a good time to rediscover and relearn some of the lessons, tools and processes that has served us well during past periods of crisis.  It is an understatement to say that we simply were not prepared for the level of destruction that came with these storms and their aftermath.  A 1,000 year flood event for Texas, a 100 year storm in Puerto Rico, these are things that go beyond even our worse case planning scenarios. But still, here we are and must now try to deal with the aftermath. In Puerto Rico and the other Caribbean islands the destruction is to such a level having totally destroyed the power infrastructures that they are talking in terms of months if not years to recover. In the meantime, millions of people are without shelter, power, food and water, a definite humanitarian crisis.  So even as governments and aid agencies are all deployed trying their best, there are immediate needs that need to be met.

With respect to power and fuel, it is said that it is going to take months to rebuild even the most modest power grid a transportation networks.  Until such time as the infrastructure is rebuilt, residents are being told “they are on their own”, not a very comforting prospect.  So what can be done in the meantime?  

If we look back to WWII, there were times of severe fuel shortages in the US and Europe. People did not have fuel to run their vehicles or farm equipment. This was one of the times that Wood Gasification was rediscovered.  I say ‘rediscovered’ because this was not the first time Wood Gasification was used.  The process of gasification has been known and used for over 200 years. In fact, before the discovery of oil, gasification was used to light street lights, cooking and heating.  During the fuel shortage in WWII, over 1 million vehicles were equipped with Wood gasifiers, to run on wood gas.   Wood Gas is a simple, efficient and clean way to generate FREE fuel from wood.
As I watch the news stories about the destruction from these storms and see piles and piles of storm debris as people stand nearby asking for help, what I see is piles of wasted and potentially free fuel.  The people responsible for cleaning up all of this storm debris are likely going to pay someone to haul away all of this ‘debris’ to local landfills.

If we consider the same mindset as they did in WWII, we don’t have to wait weeks or months for the fuel shortage to pass, or the power infrastructure to be rebuilt, we can start to provide residents with some education, information and tools where they can start to take control of their own survival and sustainability. Wood Gasifier plans are readily available and can easily be made from used tanks, barrels, and other recycled materials.   They can be made quickly and be used to run generators, which are now sitting idle due to lack of fuel. They can be hooked up to standard gasoline engines as an alternative fuel source.  Additionally, a wood gas generator provides fuel that can be used for cooking or heat that can be used to heat or even distill water.  One residential sized Wood gas generator can power up to a 25KW generator, which would be enough to power a family and several of his neighbors.
I am amazed that even today most people that I communicate with have never heard of Wood Gas, and are totally unaware that you can create your own fuel for free with wood.  I am pleased to see that there is a growing interest in the US and other countries for people to live more independent and self sustaining lives for the very reasons we see people struggling to live in the aftermath of these storms.  Wood gasification can be a key component to providing some level of independence and self sustainability. I am seeing a renewed effort to bring wood gasification back into our lives as source of primary or emergency fuel for those that don’t ever want to be caught in such a life altering situation.

As I mentioned, there are several sources of Wood Gasifier plans, and YouTube videos on the subject. Here are just a few links that can get you started:

I wish all of those adversely affected by these recent storms a quick and full recovery. I also hope that we can use this as an opportunity to relearn a valuable tool that will help those affected to  live more independent and self sustaining lives and that we won’t forget, only to have to rediscover this valuable tool at some disaster of the future.

Steven Honkus

Empowering Independent and Self Sustaining Living

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Generating your own electricity - The Missing Link

Solar and Wind are typical but not complete choices

Every day more and more people are choosing to become energy independent and less dependent on the electrical grid. Even those who choose to remain connected to the grid (Grid Tied), are opting to add some form of alternative energy to reduce their utility bills and become less dependent on the electrical grid. Some are choosing to completely disconnect from the electrical grid, or may not even have access to an electrical grid. Today, Solar Photovoltaic (PV) panels and/or Wind turbines are becoming a primary choice as an alternative energy source. Solar and Wind energy is quickly becoming more cost effective than coal and natural gas that even the utility providers are using these forms of alternative energy to power or supplement the electrical grid. For those choosing to utilize alternative energy systems to generate their own power, they have traditionally had three options; Solar (PV), Wind Turbine, or a Hybrid Solar/Wind configuration. To a less extent, Micro-Hydro is also a viable option but is very site specific and requires a steady year-round source of water and flow such as a river, stream, or spring,

Solar (PV): The use of Solar Photovoltaic Panels (PV) to generate electricity. The size and number of PV panels in the solar array is dependent on several factors including; Geography, available space, power requirements and of course, budget.  A 5KW solar system installed in Arizona will be different than a 5KW system installed in the inland NW due to the different amount of solar energy available each day in each respective region.  More panels will be required in regions where sunlight is more limited to capture more sunlight during more limited sunlight period. This also translates to higher system costs in areas of reduced solar energy in higher latitudes. Thus a system designed for the inland Northwest must take into consideration the limited number of hours of sunlight per day, the extended periods of limited sunlight in the winter months and storage capacity of the battery bank to store sufficient power through these periods.  This is a much different consideration than that of the similar size system installed in Arizona which has far more hours of sunlight and very few days of limited sunlight all year.

US Solar KWh Per Day by Month

Wind Turbine: Wind Turbines are another popular choice for generating electricity and unlike solar energy, can generate electricity anytime day or night, as long as there is a minimal amount of wind, typically around 5-7 mph. A single wind turbine can generate as much or more than a large solar panel array. As with solar, there are several factors that must be taken into account when considering a wind power system including; geography, site condition (terrain, obstructions, trees, etc.), power requirements and budget.  It is interesting to note that the areas that are generally more suitable for wind, also are areas that are not optimal for solar. For example, in the above solar example for the inland Northwest, where the solar system must be built to accommodate lower available periods of sunlight, this same area is often more suitable for wind power with more areas of higher average wind speeds.

US Average Wind Speeds

Solar and Wind Turbine (Hybrid): If you were to plot the available solar energy per day by month for almost any geography you would see that the highest periods of solar energy are in the summer months and the lowest are in the winter months. If you were to compare that to a plot of average wind speeds per month you would see the opposite; that the lower wind speeds were generally in the summer months and the higher wind speeds were in the winter months.  If you overlaid these two graphs, you would see that wind energy and solar energy generally complement each other.  In a 'Hybrid' system which would include both solar and a wind turbine, each system would generally compliment the other. In the winter months where there is less available sunlight, there would generally be more wind to power the wind turbine. In the summer when there is generally less wind there would be more solar power available.  Thus, a hybrid system could be used with a smaller solar component and smaller wind component so that the combined system will generate the required power on a more continuous basis.  Today, hybrid systems are becoming more popular because of these synergies.

Hybrid Solar / Wind Energy by Month

While each of the above systems can be designed and configured to meet almost any electrical power requirements from a weekend cabin, to a large household with all of the standard amenities and electrical appliances, they all have a major limitation. Solar systems do not generate any power at night and times of no sunlight. Wind Generators must have a minimum wind speed to generate power (often above 7 mph). So even when using a Hybrid system, there will be times when neither the solar panels nor a wind turbine is generating any electrical power.

The most important component to any off grid power system is the battery storage component. Any power generated by the solar panels, wind turbine, or any other energy source are stored in the battery bank in the form of Direct-Current (DC) power.  This DC power is then converted to AC power through an inverter. It is this AC power that runs our standard electrical appliances.  The battery bank must be of sufficient size to be able to handle power requirements during periods when no new power is being generated. Systems are generally designed to only handle short periods (2-4 days) of times when no power is being generated. When these periods are exceeded, or when the system is not generating enough power in excess of that power that is being used, then the battery levels will drop to a level in which they must be recharged by another method.  In this condition, a generator is generally used to charge the batteries until such time as the solar or wind turbines can generate enough power to maintain the battery to the proper level.  A generator is an important component to any solar, wind or hybrid system as it will ensure that battery bank can be maintained to the proper level in the event of a failure of one of the solar or wind components or during periods of outages from either system.

So as you can see, regardless of which alternative system configuration you choose, there will still be periods when that system cannot generate power and you will need to have another means of providing power to the battery bank.  As we run these generators, whether on diesel, gasoline, natural gas or propane, there is an associated cost of fuel.  These costs can quickly add up if there is a requirement to run a generator for any extended period.  What if we could power these generators with fuel we created, thus eliminating these additional fuel costs?   That might very well be the missing link to our complete and independent power system.

 Wood Gas - the missing link

Wood Gas Generator

The process of producing energy using the gasification method has been in use for more than 180 years. In the early time coal and peat were used to power these plants. Initially developed to produce town gas for lighting and cooking in the 1800s, this was replaced by electricity and natural gas, it was also used in blast furnaces but the bigger role was played in the production of synthetic chemicals where it has been in use since the 1920s.

During both world wars, especially the World War II, the need for fuel produced by gasification reemerged due to the shortage of petroleum. Wood gas generators, called Gasogene or Gazogène, were used to power motor vehicles in Europe. By 1945 there were trucks, buses and agricultural machines that were powered by gasification. It is estimated that there were close to 9,000,000 vehicles running on producer gas all over the world.

Wood gasification also regained popularity in the 1970's during the oil embargo which lead to severe gasoline shortages in the US. It seems that gasification is something that gains popularity during times of an energy crisis, only to be forgotten when the crisis passes. It then has to be rediscovered and relearned when the next energy crisis arises. Today, gasification is commonly used in commercial applications, and is gaining popularity as a viable system for home power generation and emergency backup power systems.

Wood gasification uses a process called pyrolysis to break down organic matter into its basic elements, carbon and gases. This process is done in a high temperature, oxygen limited environment to breakdown the wood into its basic elements. The gas is then extracted, cooled and filtered and may be used as a fuel for direct heating applications or as a fuel to power a standard combustion engine. The gas produced by wood gasification consists of Hydrogen, Methane and Carbon dioxide, also referred to as 'Syngas' (Synthetic gas). It has similar properties to natural gas but is not considered natural gas. The syngas has a different air-to-fuel ratio that must be taken into consideration when used as fuel for a standard combustion engine.

Syngas also has a lower power rating than natural gas (50%-60%), which must also be taken into consideration when selecting an engine or generator size in a power producing application. For example, a 10KW propane generator would actually produce about 6KW of power when run on wood gas.

Using proven and efficient designs, today's wood gas generators can produce clean, abundant, and free fuel for many application including heat generation, home power systems, and emergency power systems when traditional fuels are not available or too costly.

Adding a wood gas generator to your off grid power system will provide that last component to ensure you are generating your own independent and free power, day or night, anytime it is needed.  In fact with today’s wood gas generators, it is possible to configure a complete system using only a wood gas generator and standard generator to charge the battery bank.  Depending upon the size of the system, running the wood gas generator every other day might be sufficient to provide all of the power needed, without the need for solar, wind or other alternative energy sources.

If you haven't yet considered wood gas in your alternative energy system, or if you would like to learn more about wood gas and its many uses, we would be glad to help you add this missing link to your energy system. 

Steven Honkus

Friday, February 3, 2017

Wood Gas - The other solar energy

Wood Gas Generator

We are all familiar with Solar Energy (Photovoltaic - PV) for generation of electrical power.  In fact solar energy has become so well known and utilized that it will soon surpass fossil fuel as the most economical energy source within the next decade. That is good news, but what about when there is no sunlight?   Up here in the Northwest (and many other places), there are long periods when there is limited sunlight.  Ask any solar power user, and they will tell you that when there is no sunlight for any extended period, they turn on the generator to keep their battery bank charged.  Even those who have a complimentary system like a wind turbine will find times when there is no sunlight, and no wind.  So on goes the generator. But those generators can consume a lot of fuel,  whether it be gasoline, diesel, natural gas, or propane. That fuel cost can add up quickly depending upon your geography and number of hours needed to run to make up the difference in the lack of sunlight or wind.

What if we could power those generators with a biofuel that we could create on demand?  Well with a wood gas generator, we can do exactly that, create our own fuel. As long as we have sufficient access and availability to a biofuel such as wood chips, and utilize a process called gasification. 

Gasification - A little history

Gasification is process that has been used for several hundred years. Going back to the 1800's gasification was used commercially for industrial and residential heating and lighting. Street lights were powered with gas from gasification. Gasification was again used during WWII when there were severe fuel shortages. Car engines, tractors and other engines were converted to run a wood gas.  It seems that gasification is a technology that gets lost and then rediscovered during times of fuel shortages and high prices. Today we are experiencing a renewed interest in gasification using cleaner , safer and more efficient designs to generate clean gas for fuel and heating applications.

Gasification - The Process

Gasification is a process that coverts organic or fossil fuel based materials into carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide gases. This combination gas is often referred to as Syngas (Synthetic Gas) as it is not pure natural gas.  This gas is created in a process called Pyrolysis, which is the thermo chemical decomposition of these organic materials in a high temperature, oxygen limited environment. When created property by using extremely high temperatures, any residue tars or burned and created into gas. The gas is additionally filtered to ensure it is suitable to be used as a fuel to an internal combustion engine.

The other solar energy

You can think of organic materials as storage of solar energy. Sunlight was crucial to the growth these materials and the gasification and pyrolysis process releases this stored energy and converts the material back to its basic elements. The gasification process allows is to retrieve this stored energy as Syngas.  We can use both the heat generated by the pyrolysis process of the gasification and the resulting gas (Syngas). We can burn the gas for heating applications, or we can use it as a fuel for our engines and generators.  When you think about it, Wood Gasification is a perfect complement to any existing solar, wind or other alternative energy system. Gasification is also a highly efficient process. For example, when we burn wood in a fire or wood stove, we get only a small portion of the energy as fire and heat. The majority of the energy is 'up in smoke', which is the unconverted gases of the material. This smoke is also an environmental hazard and breathing hazard. The gasification process, burns up all of the material at much higher temperatures, so there is little to no smoke to release in the atmosphere, a far more efficient process. Additionally, the gasification residue, also known as biochar, is mostly carbon and provides a host of uses including a soil additive.

Today's Wood Gas - Generate your own fuel

Today we are rediscovering the benefits of wood gasification for home power generation. Wood gas generations are built on proven designs with better materials and provide a cost effective means to generate wood gas for power generation or heating applications, whether combined with an internal combustion engine, external combustion engine or even a Stirling engine.  Whether you are an existing solar user, wind turbine or other alternative energy user, or you are interested in learning how wood gas can be a part of your energy solution, you should explore the benefits of wood gas generation.

I would be glad to answer any questions you may have on wood gas generators or be of any assistance in your renewable energy needs.

Steven Honkus

Renewable Energy Consultant

Going Off Grid - A choice for independent living

When we think of Off Grid living, we generally think of remote places,'preppers', self sufficiency and those who want to regain some level of independence into their lives. Some might even see it as some level of 'paranoia'. We take so much for granted in our lives; our food, our comfort, our security that we don't see how we are becoming more and more dependent and controlled with each passing day. We also don't see how fragile and overworked our electrical grid is becoming and don't often consider how our lives would be impacted should it not be available. Sure, we have all experienced the occasional inconvenience of a power outage, but that is generally a minor inconvenience of a few hours. What would happen to us if that inconvenience lasted days, weeks, or longer?  Being able to not only survive but to thrive is extremely empowering. When we refer to being Off Grid, there is no 'one-size fits all'. For some it is not a choice , for others it is a choice of varying degrees. A backup generator might be sufficient for some, an independent power and water system for others, others would supply their own food. Off Grid can be as much or as little as you need, depending upon your specific circumstance and available resources.

It is estimated that there are about 1.7 Billion people living off grid worldwide. For the majority of this population it is not a choice, but a necessity given the lack of an infrastructure and electrical grid, mostly in Africa. By comparison in the US , there are an estimated 180,000 people living off grid, a population that is increasing each year. The majority of these people live off grid by choice. While there are plenty of people living off grid in remote areas, there is an increasing number of urban off grid families. These people have access to and are generally connected to the grid, but deploy one or more alternative energy systems (Solar, Wind) to augment their power system. These systems are referred to as 'Grid Tie' systems, where the home owner can actually sell power they generate on their own back to the utility power grid for credit. These grid-tie systems can reduce or even eliminate a home owner's electrical bill. This urban off grid population is increasing each year.

Rolling Blackouts

More and more cities in the US (and other countries) are experiencing increasing levels of 'Rolling Blackouts', whereby power is intentionally cut off in different areas at different times of the day to better manage the power demands on the utility grid. These rolling blackouts are in increasing indication that our electrical grids are being overwhelmed and at risk. Companies like Tesla have taken notice and are marketing home battery systems (Tesla Powerwall ) that can be programmed to provide continuous power to a home during blackout or to disconnect from the utility during peak hours when rates will be the highest. Tesla is also marketing a new generation of Solar panels that are an integrated part of the roof. (Tesla Solar Roof ) .

Off Grid Bans - Increasing threat

This growing interest to remove ourselves from the grid and regain some level of independence in our lives is not going unnoticed by the government and utility companies. While utility companies initially embraced the idea of having these 'Grid-Tie' systems as a means of supplying additional power to the grid, there is now increasing concern about this level of independence going too far. There are numerous and increasing examples in both the US in Canada, where the government is putting in bans and restrictions against off grid living. People wanting to provide their own power, water, septic are getting fined, building and occupation permits denied, and even harassed for attempting to assert this level of independence. The thought of a large part of the population not being 'connected' to the grid is being seen as a threat to the sustainability of the grid itself.

Off Grid living is and should continue to be a personal choice . We should all be free to pursue the life we envision at whatever level of independence we choose. Today we do have this right, however as they say, a right not exercised is a right lost. Off Grid living is an empowering and rewarding decision that we each get to make based upon our own goals, values and lifestyle choices. We should also be aware that this may not always be the case and be aware of those looking to restrict our rights and increase our dependence.